
YouTube should delete video of hand amputation

Terrible Sharia punishments imposed in Mali

[Translate to Englisch:] Grafik: gfbvonline

On Wednesday the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen demanded that the video-portal YouTube should delete a video showing a hand amputation carried out by radical Islamists in early January. "There must be limits for such kind of reports – even on YouTube," said the STP's expert on questions regarding Africa, Ulrich Delius. "The amputation of a limb is a crime against humanity and a severe violation of the personal rights of the convicted. It is offensive to promote this by means of a video – and it is against fundamental ethical principles. The amputation-scene is also extremely cruel. Not only does it violate the personal rights of the victim, it also hurts the feelings of the viewers on YouTube."

The twelve minute long YouTube-video about the radical Islamic movement Mujao, which was published on January 6, 2013, shows very detailed footage of the enforcement of a terrible Sharia punishment in the city of Gao (northern Mali) on January 1, 2013 (Video-Title: mujao, uploaded by cheyaaakh). A young man – tied to a chair and with his head wrapped in a large cloth – sits in front of a large audience on a central square. While a Mujao-fighter holds the victim's right arm, another man cuts off his right hand near the wrist with a large knife. The victim writhes to the ground in pain. After the amputation, one of the fighters triumphantly shows the severed hand to the audience. Even the amputee's bleeding wound is shown in detail.

The video – which was viewed by 465 people until Wednesday morning – also shows the lashing of a young man, on the same square. He was sentenced to 100 lashes because of an illegal sexual relationship with a girl.

"The video confirms our worst fears," said Delius. "It clearly shows that these amputations are being carried out without any proper medical care, causing many of the victims to bleed to death." According to eyewitnesses, at least one of the amputees has already died.

The Mujao and other radical Islamic movements insist on the Sharia-law which they introduced to northern Mali in 2012, after the government army had lost control over the region.