
Will Sudan's President Bashir be extradited to The Hague?

Reasons of state versus human rights: What about Germany's commitment to fight impunity?

© Andrew Heavens /Flickr

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the German government of lacking commitment in the fight against impunity concerning the genocide crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Sudan. "Despite the ongoing crimes in Darfur, the federal government is apparently trying to forget that, ten years ago, it was Minister of State Kerstin Müller who was very committed to hold the Sudanese President Omar al Bashir accountable: Unfortunately, Germany can now be seen as one of the EU’s most important advocates for the Sudanese regime," said the STP’s Africa-consultant, Ulrich Delius, in Göttingen on Monday. Further, he warned: "This is a mockery of the victims – and it is absurd to uphold the political goal of fighting impunity while paying court to the Bashir-regime at the same time." It was especially due to Germany’s efforts that – on March 31, 2005 – the UN Security Council requested the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the crimes in western Sudan (Resolution 1593).

While the British Minister for Africa, James Duddridge, and the European External Action Service had demanded to carry out the arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Bashir this weekend, the German government decided not to comment. According to the STP, the German government had rather decided to cooperate with the Sudanese authorities to keep off refugees from Africa in the recent months as part of the "Khartoum Process". Further, Germany continues to promote economic investments in Sudan and to advocate for better political relations with the EU, despite ongoing serious human rights violations in Darfur, in South Kordofan and the Blue Nile.  

"The serious crimes in Darfur must be atoned for if there is to be a chance for lasting peace in the west of the country," said Delius. "There is no independent judiciary system in Sudan – and those who are responsible for the violence have remained unpunished even twelve years after the beginning of the genocide. The arrest warrant against Bashir must be enforced."

It was only last week that the Sudanese President had confirmed Governor Ahmed Haroun in office, who is also accused of crimes in Darfur. Also, hundreds of African NGOs demand the arrest warrant against Bashir to be enforced – clearly debunking the criticism raised by the African governments who stated that the investigations of the ICC are to be seen as one-sided and as a proof for European and American "imperialism".

Header Photo: Andrew Heavens /Flickr