

The Society for Threatened Peoples /STP/GfbV and Jews Against Genocide urged ArcelorMittal yesterday to honor its promise to create a memorial to commemorate the victims of Omarska/Prijedor. "We urge you and your fellow members of the ArcelorMittal Board of Directors to keep your promise to create a memorial for the survivors and their families in remembrance of the victims of Omarska, not simply as a commemoration of the past but equally to serve as a beacon of awareness for future generations" the organisations said in a joint appeal to ArcelorMittal.

Members of the European Parliament, the president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, the president of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, the European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Füle, as well as representatives of the international community in Bosnia received letters in the last days on this matter. Within the next days the STP/GfbV will ask the Memorials for the Victims of Nationalsocialism, of Communism/Stalinism and the Genocide in Armenia to reinforce its claims.

You can dowload the letter to ArcelorMittal here.