
Persecution of Christian minorities

Freedom of belief and conversion are fundamental rights

In 2023, Christian minorities in more than 70 countries, including North Korea, China, and Iran, were affected by restrictions on their right to freedom of religion – as reported by the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen on Thursday. “Millions of Christians all over the world are suffering from persecution and discrimination, from harassment to acts of violence such as expulsions and murder,” stated Dr. Kamal Sido, the STP’s Middle East Consultant. “This is especially true for Christian converts in countries such as Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. In the region of Afrin in northern Syria, the Turkish occupiers and their Islamist allies displaced the entire Christian population – around 1,200 people. In Nigeria, at least 4,726 people became victims of abduction in 2023, and in many parts of Asia, Christians are at risk due to the advance of radical Islamists.” Last September, Azerbaijan expelled – under the eyes of Russia and NATO – 120,000 Armenians from their homeland of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).
In Germany, politicians and the large churches are hardly addressing the persecution of Christian communities. Apparently, it is not appropriate to demand religious freedom for Christians, especially in Islamic countries. As a result, Christian communities in Islamic countries feel alone and abandoned. “Officials from the Foreign Office and politicians of the so-called ‘traffic light coalition’ don’t seem to have a problem with courting Islamic fundamentalists, anti-Semites, and enemies of Israel. However, these officials and politicians are very quick to be ‘politically correct’ towards Christians and liberal Muslims. Christians who demand the right to freedom of belief and conversion are accused of ‘Christian fundamentalism’,” Sido stated. On the other hand, conversion to Islam, is welcomed by influential Muslim politicians and media such as the Qatari TV station Al Jazeera. This attitude also supports the Turkish repression against the Kurds. These Islamist forces, led by Turkish ruler Erdogan, are also fighting against tolerant Muslims who advocate for their Christian neighbors and for religious freedom.
The dangerous situation for Christians in 2023 calls for international solidarity and increased efforts for religious freedom, which is only limitedly recognized both internationally and in Germany.