
Failed policy regarding Syria and the Kurds

Setback for trust in democracy and human rights (Press Release)

Turkish Army and Islamists: Get out of Syria!

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns of the long-term consequences of the Western policy towards Syria and the Kurds. The years of despondency in Europe and the unpredictability of the US government have now led to a disastrous situation for the people of northern Syria. "The Kurds and other ethnic groups in northern Syria have been fighting for Western values ??for years: for democracy, for equality, and for religious freedom," stated Dr. Kamal Sido, the STP's Middle East Consultant. "By deciding to no longer support them, the West is betraying its values."

Because of the failed policy in this regard, autocrats like Putin and Assad are suddenly able to appear in a good light. "Apparently, the democratic states are barely able to act. From the viewpoint of the people in the war zones of northern Syria, the appeals to respect the universal human rights are hypocritical and cynical," Sido emphasized. "This loss of confidence must alarm every Western politician. It is high time to take tangible measures."

Thus, it is imperative for the democratic institutions to make up for the mistakes of recent years. "The Turkish invasion – which is to be seen a clear violation of international law – the expulsion of ethnic and religious minorities, the resettlement of Sunni Muslims under the control of Islamist militias… we and others have been warning of these developments for years," Sido stated. "Now, the parliaments will have to explain how it could come to the mistakes of the past years – in order to win back trust and to be prepared for the future." This process has already begun in Washington and Brussels, but Berlin seems to be doing nothing yet.

Header image: STP