
UN Expert Mechanism on Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous activists from Russia report on devastating situation

Together with the exile organization International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia (ICIPR), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is organizing two events in Geneva (on July 4 and 5). In the scope of two digital side events of the UN Expert Mechanism of Indigenous Peoples, indigenous refugees living in exile will report on the devastating situation of their communities as a consequence of Russia’s attack on Ukraine.

Since the beginning of the war, the Russian regime is taking even more relentless measures against criticism. Marginalized groups such as indigenous communities are especially affected: “In the country, activists have to fear for their lives – and many are forced to flee. Many leave the country, hoping to be able to raise their voice against the Kremlin in exile,” stated Regina Sonk, STP expert on indigenous peoples. “However, many have to remain in the country, to try and continue their work silently by networking in secrecy. The dynamics of the last few months have led to incalculable risks for political activists.” Also, many members of indigenous communities are conscripted – sometimes from far away regions. Then, they have to fight for a Russia that oppresses them and denies them their rights. At the same time, the territories of the indigenous Crimean Tatars are occupied.


The UN Expert Mechanism on Indigenous Peoples in the United Nations is an institution that focuses on the rights of indigenous peoples. The annual meetings in Geneva are an important platform for indigenous activists. We would like to invite anyone interested to the following events – in English and Russian:

Monday, July 4, 2022, from 1 pm to 2:30 pm:

The influence of the aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine on indigenous peoples

Ever since the Russian invasion of Crimea, indigenous territories in Ukraine have been occupied. Since the Russian attack on February 24, indigenous communities are also affected by the terrible war, and members of indigenous peoples of Ukraine are killed in the war. Meanwhile, on the Russian side, indigenous soldiers – most of whom joined the army out of poverty, need, and pressure from the government – are significantly more likely to get killed in battle.

Registration: us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d1PVpB30QDOlFXs3eDsMXw


Thursday, July 5, 2022, from pm to 2:30 pm:

The challenges of the implementation of the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in the Russian Federation

Due to the Russian repression in the course of the war in Ukraine, it has now become extremely dangerous to advocate for indigenous rights and participation in connection with economic projects. On the podium, indigenous representatives will talks about their efforts to advocate for self-determination rights when dealing with companies.



The following three activists will be present in Geneva themselves. They are founding members of the new exile organization «International Committee of Indigenous Peoples of Russia» (ICIPR). We will be happy to pass on requests for interviews:

Dmitry Berezhkov is from Kamchatka. He is a member of the Itelmen and has been advocating for the rights of the indigenous peoples of Russia for more than 20 years. In 2013, he requested political asylum in Norway.

Yana Tannagasheva is a member of the Shors, from the region of Kemerovo – the most important coal mining region in Russia. There, she was one of the most active defenders of her village when it was under threat because of a coal mine. Due to massive intimidation attempts against herself and her family, she was forced to leave her country and to seek asylum in Sweden in 2018.

Tjan Zaotschnaja, who is from Kamchatka, is a member of the Itelmen as well. She was a human rights activist in the former Soviet Union before she was expelled by the state in 1980. She has been living in Germany since then, and she supports the STP with voluntary work, advocating for the rights of indigenous peoples of Russia.