
Society for Threatened Peoples supports the call of the Berlin Alliance for Iran to a Demonstration for a democratic Iran


(Foto:Oliver Münchhof)

Society for Threatened Peoples supports the call of the Berlin Alliance for Iran to a Demonstration for a democratic Iran on


Wednesday, 23rd September 2009 at 6

p.m. Breitschneidplatz, 10789 Berlin

Guest speaker: Tilman Zülch, General Secretary of the GfbV


The Iranian President, Mahmut Amadinejad, will be attending the UN General Assembly in News York this week, which has prompted the GfbV General Secretary, Tilman Zülch, to draw attention at the demonstration of the Berlin Alliance for Iran in the German capital to the fact that the Iranian regime suppresses the political opposition, which is supported by the great majority of the people, persecutes in a bloody manner politically active citizens, allows demonstrators to be murdered on the street and opposition politicians to be thrown into prison, tortured and raped.


"Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust, the extermination of the European Jews by the Nazi regime. However the arbitrary actions of his secret services and Islamist militia are very similiar to the behaviour of the SA in the Third Reich", criticises Zülch. The non-Persian ethnic groups also, which make up more than half of the population, and the members of non-Shiite religious communities are exposed to arbitrary action and persecution. Azeri, Kurds, Ahwazi, Beluchi, Turkmens and members of the Bahá?i community, Christian Assyrians and other smaller ethnic and religious groups have been

discriminated, suppressed or bloodily persecuted. 40 percent of the roughly 70 million Iranians are Persians, who are almost all Shiite Moslems. The official language is Persian.


In this connection one should not forget that at the beginning of the Islamic revolution at the end of the 70s 70,000 Kurds alone have been the victims of the brutal regime. The General Secretary of the Kurdish Democratic Party (Mykonos) was also liquidated in Vienna or Berlin by the Iranian secret service.


To answer questions on the spot please ring Tilman Zülch at ++49 (0)151 15309 888.