
Severe war crimes prove genocide against Bosnian Moslems

Society for Threatened Peoples recalls:

While the former Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, today, Monday, is trying to play down the genocide of the Bosnian Moslems as "self-defence”, the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) draws attention again to the crimes planned by Karadzic carried out by the Serb troops from 1992 to 1995:


1. More than 200,000 civilians detained in over one hundred concentration and internment camps.


2. Thousands of prisoners killed in concentration camps including Omarska, Manjaca, Keraterm, Trnopolje, Luka Brcko, Susica and Foca


3. Systematic detention and murder of members of the social, political, economic and academic elites.


4. 2.2 million Bosnians refugees and deportees scattered to the four corners of the globe.


5. Thousands of unrecorded and uncounted deaths during and after the expulsion, including children, the elderly and the sick and injured.


6. 500,000 Bosnians besieged, starved and bombarded for nearly four years in the UN's so-called "safe areas" (Sarajevo, Gorazde, Srebrenica, Zepa, Tuzla and Bihac), with many thousands killed.


7. Some 11,000 inhabitants of Sarajevo, including 1500 children, killed during almost four years under fire,


8. Massacres and mass executions perpetrated in many of the towns and cities of northern, western and eastern Bosnia (the Posavina, the Prijedor region and the Drina Valley).


9. Systematic destruction of hundreds of villages and parts of towns.


10. Total destruction of all material aspects of Muslim culture including 1347 mosques and madrassas and widespread destruction of Catholic cultural monuments including as many as 500 churches and other religious institutions.


11. 15,000 individuals still missing, awaiting location of the bodies, exhumation and identification.


12. Hostage-taking and mistreatment of 284 UN soldiers used as human shields


13. More than 20.000 Bosnian Muslim women raped in the rape camps and elsewhere


14. At least 8,373 men and boys from the town of Srebrenica murdered and buried in mass graves in July 1995.
