
Serious allegations against Turkey – Ankara must no longer support IS-extremists!

[Translate to Englisch:] © Fikriye Kaya/Flickr

The Society for Threatened Peoples raises serious allegations against Turkey and the German federal government: the latter has now ignored its NATO partner's support for the terror movement "Islamic State" long enough – providing logistical support and thus helping the extremists to forcibly expel ethnic and religious minorities from large parts of Syria and Iraq.

"The federal government must act on the Turkish government insistently to start an initiative against IS", said the STP's Secretary General, Tilman Zülch, in Göttingen on Tuesday. Germany should not be fooled: Turkey might be a first choice for many desperate refugees from Syria. But the country is also to be seen as a refuge for IS. "In Turkey, the extremists are able to obtain weapons and money. New fighters can be recruited and led through to the combat zones – and injuries can be treated in Turkish hospitals," criticizes the human rights organization. "The German government simply ignores the machinations of Erdogan's administration and is thus responsible for the continuous escalation of the barbaric measures to exterminate not only the Kurds, Yezidis, Christian Assyrians and Armenians, but also the moderate Sunnis in Syria."

Für Nachfragen ist Tilman Zülch, Generalsekretär der GfbV, erreichbar unter Tel. 0551 49906 31 oder politik@gfbv.de.

Header Foto: Fikriye Kaya/Flickr