
Scapegoating homosexuals reminds us of Adolf Hitler -- It was Europe that allowed Srebrenica to happen!

US General John Sheehan stirs prejudice against gays

Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) considers US General John Sheehan’s view that homosexuals in the Netherlands armed forces were partly to blame for the fall of Srebrenica in 1995 "absurd and incomprehensible". According to STP President Tilman Zülch:


"Sheehan’s notion is absurd: it wasn’t "gays", it was the British and French governments and their constant encouragement and support for the Serb perpetrators of genocide - all the way from the shelling of Sarajevo via the concentration and rape camps right up to the mass murder of 8376 men and boys at Srebrenica. It is incomprehensible that General Sheehan should be trying to pin the blame for Europe’s failure to prevent another genocide on its own soil on a sexual minority that still suffers persecution in many countries around the world. This reminds us of the ideology of Adolf Hitler.


Hitler persecuted and exterminated the Jews, the Gypsies, the handicapped, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and homosexuals. One of Hitler’s survivors, the human and civil rights activist Marek Edelman, Jewish commander of the Warsaw Ghetto resistance fighters and founder of Solidarnosc, speaking to 3000 Bosnians on 14 November 1993 at a rally at Buchenwald organized by STP declared that "Europe has learned nothing from the Holocaust. Nothing has been done to stop the killing. What is happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a posthumous triumph for Hitler".


British and French historians and journalists documented and verified how their own governments obstructed every international effort to rescue the captive population of Bosnia, including the inhabitants of Srebrenica. The British authorities played a wretched role in the destruction of Bosnia. Not only did they refuse to intervene militarily themselves, they did everything in their power to prevent the Americans in particular from intervening, and for a long time they succeeded. Right up until the fall of Srebrenica French and British Generals were opposing the deployment of NATO and the Luftwaffe. The observation by Milosevic’s legal assistants that Lords Hurd, Carrington and Owen gave him the green light to proceed with ethnic cleansing speaks volumes.


In Germany too the Kohl/Kinkel Government acquiesced in the Bosnian genocide and despite unceasing efforts on the part of STP and countless civil society initiatives turned a deaf ear to the pleas of 320,000 Bosnian refugees and former Minister Christian Schwarz-Schilling, even supporting efforts to implement an arms embargo against the victims.



See also Carole Hodge, "Britain and the Balkans", Brendan Simms, "Unfinest Hour - Britain and the Destruction of Bosnia" and Thomas Cushman and Stjepan G. Mestrovic "This Time We Knew - Western Responses to Genocide in Bosnia".