
Protesters must be released immediately – 511 arrests in Hong Kong

510,000 demonstrators in Hong Kong demand democracy

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the immediate release of 511 protesters who were arrested on Tuesday night, in the course of peaceful protests of more than half a million Hong Kong residents who demanded more democracy. "The police operation must be reviewed by an independent third party, because the police rounded up the peaceful protesters and treated them with exaggerated violence", said Ulrich Delius, the STP's Asia-consultant, in Göttingen on Wednesday. The police had started arresting people at three o'clock in the morning. Three members of the local parliament, Albert Ho Chun-yan, Lee Cheuk-yan and Leung Yiu-chung, were detained too.

On occasion of the 17th anniversary of China's takeover of Hong Kong, the protest movement demanded democratic elections in the special administrative region in 2017 – including a free nomination of the candidates for the the head of government. China does not agree to this. So far, the head of government is appointed by an election committee, which follows instructions of the Chinese leadership. Last weekend, almost 800,000 Hong Kong residents had cast a vote in an unofficial referendum for more democracy in the Chinese special administrative region.

"Many people in Hong Kong fear that China is planning to cut down on the conceded autonomy, the liberties and the independence of the judiciary in the special administrative region in order to adapt to Chinese standards," said Delius. "The protests of the people of Hong Kong are very important to show the Chinese government that economic rights and an improvement of the living conditions are not sufficient. More freedom rights, more democracy and real participation rights are needed. This does not only apply to Hong Kong – it is the key for stability in all of China."


Ulrich Delius, head of STP's Asia department, is available for further questions: Tel. 0551 49906 27 or asien@gfbv.de.