
Peacekeepers are unable to stop violence – serious human rights violations continue

Central African Republic: 69,000 Muslims flee violence – the minority group needs better protection

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns about a possible failure of the peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic. "Nine weeks after the beginning of the French military intervention, the French soldiers and the peacekeeping forces of the African states have still not succeeded in stopping the violence in the Central African Republic," said the STP's Africa-consultant, Ulrich Delius, in Göttingen on Sunday. "The consequences of the failure are especially dramatic for the Muslim minority. 69,000 Muslims have already escaped to the neighboring countries since December 21, 2013, for fear of reprisals. The peacekeepers must ensure protection for the minority group urgently, in order to prevent an expulsion of the entire population and to put an end to the violence."

Since last Wednesday, a further 4,000 Muslims were brought to an abandoned airport in Bangui to be evacuated to other states. However, many of these refugees were born in the

Central African Republic or possess valid IDs issued in the country. They do not know where to turn to, because neighboring Chad only accepts its own citizens. Entire city districts and villages were wiped out and the residents displaced. "Not only does the forced exodus obstruct attempts for reconciliation between the Christians and the Muslims – the country's economy was thrown back decades too," said Delius. "It is a tragedy that the international peacekeepers could not ensure effective protection for the minority group to prevent a mass exodus."

But it is not only the Muslims (who make up about 15 percent of the population) who are on the run. The Christians are not safe either. About 25 percent of the population of the Central African Republic is now on the run, with 840,000 people living in the country as IDPs and 413,000 refugees accommodated in 68 camps in Bangui alone. 246,000 more have sought refuge in the neighboring countries.

About 55 Muslims and Christians are injured and brought to hospitals every day, due to attacks by militia groups, soldiers or civilians. Most of them suffer from gunshot wounds or machete-blows.