
Nigerian Islamists declare war on youths

32 people were killed in northern Nigeria by Islamist extremists within only 24 hours

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that supporters of the Islamist sect Boko Haram in Nigeria have now apparently also declared war on youths. "Earlier this week, at least 32 people were killed in northern Nigeria by Islamist extremists within only 24 hours. Most of the victims were teenagers," said the STP’s Africa-consultant, Ulrich Delius, in Göttingen on Wednesday. "Violence against unarmed youths is a crime against humanity and will discredit the Islamists even more."

Following the attacks, Abu Zinnira – the spokesman of the sect – announced that Boko Haram will now specifically act against young people, as many of them are helping the security officials to fight Boko Haram. Since the beginning of the year, several hundred young people in northern Nigeria chose to join self-help groups to try and track down Boko Haram fighters, to inform the security officials or to hand them over. Previous attacks of Boko Haram were mostly aimed at police officers, soldiers and other representatives of the state organs.

On Sunday evening, suspected Boko Haram fighters shot and killed seven students and two teachers in a state secondary school in Damaturu (Yobe State). On Monday, extremists attacked a private school in Maiduguri (Borno State) during the final exams, killing nine pupils. Further, an employee of the education authorities was killed on Monday, when she was on her way to a school in Maiduguri with final exams questions. Another 13 civilians, including fishermen, tea-sellers and several youths were shot dead by suspected Boko Haram fighters on Monday at the Alau dam near Maiduguris. Many of the victims were connected to the Gwange self-help organization which had handed over several suspected Muslim extremists to the security forces just the week before.

Following the new wave of violence, a spokesman of the youths emphasized their dedication to continue fighting against Boko Haram "The era of impunity for killing innocent people is over. We young people have decided to take our fate into our own hands – and we will continue to hunt down the rebels."