
Demonstrations on the occasion of the first anniversary of the death of Jina (Mahsa) Amini

Solidarity with the protesters in Iran

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the beginning of the women-led protests in Iran (September 16, 2022), there are also plans for various vigils and demonstrations in Germany – means for opposition members and members of minority groups to commemorate her death. One year ago, she was arrested by the so-called “morality police” in Teheran, and she died in police custody only a few days later. Her death had caused a huge wave of protests. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) supports the human rights actions and peaceful protests, calling for an end to the violence of the Iranian regime, which is still using excessive force against the protesters.

There will be a large vigil on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at the Ottoplatz in Cologne Deutz (Messe Bahnhof). The vigil under the motto “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” (“woman, life, freedom”) was initiated by the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan (KDP-I), the Komala Party of Iranian Kurdistan, the People’s Party of Balochistan, and Iran’s left party.

The Kurdish Community in Germany (KGD) is organizing a vigil in Berlin on the same day (September 16). It will take place at the Platz der Republik, in front of the German Bundestag, as of 2 pm.  

Kurdish and other groups will also hold protests in other German and European cities – such as London, Vienna, Stockholm, Frankfurt am Main, or Stuttgart – to demand an end to the violence against the democracy movement. “The regime has learnt nothing from the past. On the contrary: There are plans to step up the repressive measures against women. A new draft law now allows for draconian penalties of up to 10 years imprisonment for violations of the clothing regulations,” stated Dr. Kamal Sido, the STP’s Middle East Correspondent. 

At the same time, Iran is putting more pressure on the Iraqi central government and the regional government of Iraqi Kurdistan in order to confiscate the weapons of Iranian Kurdish refugees who found shelter there. According to official statements from Iran, Iraq is now obligated to take measures against Kurdish opposition parties on its territory. The aim is to disarm “separatists” and “terrorist groups”, and to close down their bases. After the Islamic revolution in 1979, the Iranian regime had initiated show trials in order to execute masses of Kurdish people, who had put up fierce resistance as they were already against an Islamic regime in Iran back then. “In consequence, many Kurds fled from Iran to neighboring Iraq, where they got organized to protect themselves and their families from targeted attacks of the Iranian regime. Still, Iranian agents are responsible for several assassinations of Kurdish people. The most recent attack (July 12, 2023) was aimed at three members of the KDP-I in Iraqi Kurdistan.