
Germany should take in critically wounded demonstrators from Libya

Germany should take in critically wounded demonstrators from Libya. This was the appeal made by the founder of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), Tilman Zülch. As the human rights activist asserted on Friday in Göttingen: 

"We are deeply indebted to the democratic movement in Libya, which is standing up to the Qaddafi regime both courageously and peacefully in spite of the tanks, military aircraft and foreign mercenaries deployed against them. Germany, on the other hand, has collaborated with Qaddafi in its own interests and has profited from Libya's oil wealth. Now we must come to the aid of those who have suffered under this regime and who have to risk life and limb to free themselves of this dictator. The least that Germany can do is to take in large numbers of seriously injured demonstrators for treatment in German hospitals."

"If the German workers employed in the Libyan oil industry can be evacuated, then it must be possible to fly out a thousand severely wounded Libyan democrats as well."