
EU-Western Balkans summit (December 13)

Don’t leave the field to Putin’s puppets

On the occasion of the upcoming EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brussels (December 13), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands the heads of state and government of the EU to decisively oppose nationalist and autocratic forces in the Western Balkans: “Given the serious situation in the countries of the Western Balkans, the EU should show leadership and take concrete action,” demanded Jasna Causevic, STP expert on genocide prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, in Göttingen on Monday. “In particular, close attention must be given to the situation in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo – from where Putin’s puppets are trying to destabilize the entire region. In the long term, the Kremlin will use the overall situation to harm the EU.”

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Milorad Dodik, President of the autonomous Republika Srpska, are openly supporting Putin. In return, they can rely on support from Russia. “Parliamentary elections will be held in Serbia on December 17 – and Kremlin-loyal forces dominate the field, while democratic candidates don’t stand a chance,” Causevic stated. “The EU must take a clear stance and demand fair conditions for all political candidates. Further, Serbia’s dependence on Russia and China poses risks to peace in all of Europe.”

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the overall situation is still alarming. Rulings of the European Court of Justice are not implemented, genocide and war crimes are denied, and the country is ethnically divided. “The EU should immediately initiate accession talks with Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to limit the maneuvering space of autocrats such as Dodik and to prevent a further destabilization of the region,” emphasized Belma Zulčić, Director of the STP Section Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Bosnia and Herzegovina will only be able to free itself from the hands of nationalist forces and the restrictions of the Dayton Agreement by becoming a member of EU and NATO.”

The STP appealed to the EU to take a clear and resolute stance in the scope of the upcoming summit in Brussels, to openly advocate for democracy, human rights, and stability in Europe.