
Invitation to our human rights action

Forced labor, genocide, re-education camps: Heiko Maas must have a serious talk with Wang Yi

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the World Uyghur Congress are organizing a human rights campaign on the occasion of the meeting between the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his German counterpart Heiko Maas, to which we would like to invite you:

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 (from 10 am to about 12 o'clock)

in front of the Foreign Office (Werderscher Markt 1, 10117 Berlin)

The following speeches are planned for the event:

  • Nathan Law, democracy activist from Hong Kong
  • Margarete Bause, MP, Co-Chair of IPAC Germany (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
  • Dolkun Isa, President of the Uyghur World Congress
  • Hanno Schedler, Society for Threatened Peoples
  • Asgar Can, East Turkistan Union in Europe
  • Michael Brand, MP, Co-Chair IPAC Germany (CDU)

All speakers will be available for interviews afterwards.

"With the EU Council Presidency, Germany has a special responsibility regarding the European Union's reaction to the human rights violations of the Chinese government," emphasized Hanno Schedler, STP expert on genocide prevention and the Responsibility to Protect. "Maas should set an example by publicly criticizing the persecution of the Muslim population groups of the Uyghurs and the Kazakhs, and the destruction of Tibetan monasteries and Christian churches. For those who are persecuted by the Chinese government, it is of great importance to rely on representatives of liberal democracies to at least openly criticize the dramatic human rights situation in the country.  

"Wang Yi represents a system that considers forced sterilization of Uyghur women and re-education camps as legitimate measures in the scope of its nationality policy. The German government must give up its reservations about open criticism in this matter," Schedler stated, further emphasizing that China's most important trading partner in the EU should also address the abolition of the rule of law in Hong Kong through the so-called National Security Act.

Germany is the last stop in the course of Wang Yi's visit to Europe. The Chinese government has been trying to keep the EU from speaking up against China's policy with one voice. It is to be expected that the Chinese foreign minister will also try to convince Heiko Maas of the 5G technology of the Chinese Huawei Corporation. The company is part of the repressive apparatus in Xinjiang / East Turkestan. "In addition, Chinese law obliges Huawei to hand over data to the Chinese government if the latter so wishes," Schedler said. "Under these circumstances, Huawei is a potential security risk and must not become involved in the 5G project in Germany."