
Invitation: Human rights action in Hamburg (August 9)

Take Action! Support Indigenous Activists!

On the occasion of the International Day of indigenous Peoples (August 9), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is organizing an audio-visual street action in the inner city of Hamburg. We would like to invite you to this human rights action:  

Wednesday, August  9, 2023
from 1 pm to 3 pm 
Ida-Ehre-Platz, opposite of Karstadt, Hamburg

In the scope of the street action, we will introduce six indigenous activists and their work – representative of the many courageous indigenous activists all over the world: Alice Pataxó, Mitch Walking Elk, Yana Tannagasheva, Josiel Kaiowa, Beto Marubo, and Joseph Moses Oleshangay. Life-size displays will give an impression of the activists, and quotes of the activists will be presented with background sounds. Visitors will have the opportunity to send the indigenous peoples messages of support together with a photo. Together, we want to set a sign and express our solidarity.

Strong indigenous activists all over the world are fighting for their peoples and communities on a daily basis. Often, they even risk their lives in doing so. They use various forms of protest – such as political activism, social media, music, or literature. Their activism is important for Germany as well, as they are also fighting against the consequences of climate change, which we in the global north are pushing forward. This is all about a more just world, for everyone.

Since 1994, human rights activists have been using Indigenous Peoples’ Day to draw attention to the precarious situation of indigenous peoples all over the world. Not only the illegal extraction of natural resources, but also the life-threatening consequences of climate change and the lack of respect for their rights are threats to the indigenous peoples of the world – but also political and economic marginalization and discrimination. Every year, the Society for Threatened Peoples organizes events, focusing on different topics. This year’s focus lies on the indigenous activists. 


Elena Dellmuth (Action Department), e.dellmuth@gfbv.de, 0551 / 499 06 22
Eliane Fernandes (expert on indigenous peoples), e.fernandes@gfbv.de