
One year after the recognition of the genocide in Iraq (January 19)

Germany must keep its promise to the Yazidi community

On January 19, 2023, the German Bundestag officially recognized the genocide against the Yazidi people in northern Iraq as such. On year after this important step, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is concerned about the recent developments: “By recognizing the genocide, the Bundestag also acknowledged the volatile security situation in northern Iraq – and the fact that there is hardly any hope for a safe return. Still, there were even more deportations in 2023. This leads to insecurity and re-traumatization for the entire Yazidi community. The deportees are sent back to life-threatening circumstances,” warned Tabea Giesecke, STP expert on ethnic, religious, and linguistic minorities, in Göttingen today.

Many affected individuals reported that, in the scope of their deportation procedures, the situation in northern Iraq – especially in the autonomous region of Kurdistan – was classified as safe. “This assessment is incorrect: the clashes between different militias in Sinjar continue. Turkey and Iran are carrying out ongoing air raids and drone attacks on Kurdish settlement areas – and there are many civilian victims,” Giesecke stated. “People of Yazidi faith are systematically discriminated against in Iraq. The situation in the camps for internally displaced persons is hopeless. Efforts to deport people into a situation like this in order to appease extremist forces in Germany are against the spirit and content of the Bundestag’s resolution on genocide.” 

Actually, the recognition of the genocide last year had opened up new scope for action – and it was specifically the topics of education, documentation, protection of the Yazidi population, and aid measures, also in Iraq, that were discussed in connection with the recognition.

An unanimously adopted motion (Drucksache 20/5228) states: “The diaspora is part of our society, with all its experiences and memories. The German Bundestag will vigorously advocate for the protection of Yazidi life in Germany and their human rights worldwide.” So far, only a few individual federal states, such as North Rhine-Westphalia, are fulfilling this promise. The STP calls for a nationwide ban on deportations.