
Displaced Bosnians have lost an important advocate and a warm-hearted ally

Mourning Bärbel Bohley:

Bärbel Bohley (2. v.l., Foto: Bundesarchiv_Wkipedia Commons_Bild_183-1989-1104-045)

"With the passing of GDR civil rights activist Bärbel Bohley, displaced people and genocide survivors from Bosnia have lost an important advocate," said Fadila Memisevic, head of the Bosnia section at the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). "She was a warm-hearted ally very early on for those in need, and provided practical assistance in coming to terms with the horrors of war. Many Bosnian families pay tribute to her memory with heartfelt gratitude." "Her personal contribution to reconciliation of all ethnic groups in Bosnia included the foundation of, and volunteer work at, the "Seestern e.V." aid organization, which sponsored summer vacation trips for the children of refugees from all ethnic groups in Bosnia," reported Memisevic. But her organization tackled other projects as well. With financial support from the German Federal Foreign Office and the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, she had cisterns set up to supply water for displaced people, thus helping them to resettle. From 1996 to 1999 Bärbel Bohley headed up a reconstruction program under the aegis of the Office of the High Representative (OHR). In addition, she worked with the "Koalition für Rückkehr" ("Coalition for Return"), an association of all regional refugee organizations.


For more information, contact the head of the Bosnian STP section in Sarajevo, Fadila Memisevic, by phone at +387/ 33 213 707. She speaks Bosnian and German.


The executive board of the STP Bosnia-Herzegovina includes members of ethnic groups in Bosnia:

  • Prof. Mirko Pejanovic, Serbian Citizens Council, Serb

  • Prof. Smail Cekic, Institute for the Recording of War Crimes, Bosniak

  • Prof. Luka Markesic, Croatian Peoples' Council/catholic theologian, Croat

  • Prof. Nedzad Mulabegovic, Council of the Congress of Bosniak Intellectuals, Bosniak

  • Prof. David Kamhi, Jewish Community, Jew

  • Prof. Ibrahim Busatlija, Association of Displaced Persons BiH, Bosniak

  • Hatidza Mehmedovic, "Mothers of Srebrenica" association, Bosniak

  • Enisa Salcinovic, Women's Section of the Association of Former Camp Detainees, Bosniak

  • Mehmed and Alaga Suljic, Roma Union, Roma



    Translated by Elizabeth Crawford

