
German-Chinese Economic Conference in Darmstadt (November 6/7)

Former federal ministers will be making fair weather for China’s CP

In the course of the German-Chinese Economic Conference in Darmstadt (November 6/7), former and still active German politicians such as Rudolf Scharping and Hans-Peter Friedrich will represent the interests of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) – as criticized by the Society for threatened Peoples (STP): “Retired German politicians are not letting forced labor and large-scale Uyghur and Tibetan family separations deter them from advocating for intensified economic relations with China,” criticized Jasna Causevic, STP expert on genocide prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, in Göttingen on Friday. “Together with the Chinese ambassador as well as other CPC officials and business representatives, they will be making fair weather for one of the most ruthless repressive regimes in the world. In return, China is surely courting them and treating them royally.” 

New research by China expert Adrian Zenz revealed that the authorities can send Uyghur people to reeducation camps if they refuse to submit to state-ordered forced labor. “Contrary to the CPC’s assurances, the camp system is still in place.”

It is actively used as a means of punishment, making forced labor an integral part of the Chinese economic system. The German supply chain law – which was supposed to prevent exactly that – is not mentioned in the program of the conference at all,” Causevic added. “Instead, the former Federal Ministers are regurgitating the talking points of the CPC, letting themselves be educated on the topic of vocational training by the party committee of the province of Yunnan.” Clearly, these gentlemen do not care about the eradication of the culture of the Uyghurs and Tibetans, the separation of Tibetan and Uyghur children from their families, or their placement in state-run boarding schools. 

Scharping – who, with his consulting firm, is the initiator of the conference – has always found warm words for the CPC over the past years, just like Friedrich. Recently, the nationality policy of the CPC has become more and more radical. The term “Tibet” can no longer be found in official party documents. The Chinese term “Xizang” is used instead. For years, human rights organizations have been demanding German companies to respect the United Nations Guidelines on Business and Human Rights and to stop cooperating with Chinese companies if they are in any way involved in Uyghur or Tibetan forced labor.

The organization Tibet Initiative Deutschland e.V. is organizing several demonstrations and vigils in Darmstadt to draw attention to the Chinese crimes:

  • November 6 (from 8 am to 10 am) in front of Merck, Frankfurter Straße 250
  • November 6 (from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm) in front of the Orangerie, Bessunger Straße 44
  • November 7 (from 8 am to 10 am) once again in front of Merck, Frankfurter Straße 250