
German-Chinese government consultations

Human rights advocates demand Federal Government to develop a clear strategy

[Translate to Englisch:] Menschenrechtsorganisationen protestieren anlässlich der deutsch-chinesischen Regierungskonsultationen vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin (Quelle: David Missal)

[Translate to Englisch:] Menschenrechtsorganisationen protestieren anlässlich der deutsch-chinesischen Regierungskonsultationen vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin (Quelle: David Missal)

[Translate to Englisch:] Menschenrechtsorganisationen protestieren anlässlich der deutsch-chinesischen Regierungskonsultationen vor dem Kanzleramt in Berlin (Quelle: David Missal)

On the occasion of the German-Chinese government consultations, which took place in Berlin today, an alliance of human rights organizations demanded the German Federal Government to find a clear and realistic answer to China’s aggressive policy. Today, representatives of these organizations put emphasis on their demands in the course of a human rights rally in front of the Chancellery. Photos of the event can be found in the attachment.

“Today, Germany must show that its China policy is not dictated by corporations such as Volkswagen. The main issue should be to discuss the catastrophic human rights situation in China. Otherwise, the consultations are prone to become a victory for Chinese propaganda,” stated Jasna Causevic, expert on genocide prevention and the Responsibility to Protect at the Society for Threatened Peoples.

“Mr. Scholz should finally put human rights at center stage – not just mention the topic in passing. In Tibet, hundreds of thousands of children are forcibly kept in boarding schools to deprive them of their culture. Mr. Scholz should clearly call out and condemn these crimes;” stated David Missal, press spokesman of the Tibet Initiative Deutschland.

“We need a turn of an era – also in our China policy. The inhumane policies of the CPC in Tibet must have consequences. Beijing will only be open to changes in the Tibet conflict if there is international pressure. The CPC must enter a dialogue with the Tibetans once again,” explained Kai Müller, Director of the International Campaign for Tibet.

“Mr. Scholz must put human rights before economic interests. In Hong Kong, dissidents are arbitrarily arrested based on the national security laws – and then detained without court proceedings. Scholz must demand China to immediately release Hong Kong’s freedom fights,” emphasized Aniessa Andresen, representative of the association Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V.

“The genocide of Uyghurs & other Turkic peoples must be at the center of German foreign policy. Millions continue to be held in internment camps under inhumane conditions. Mr. Scholz has the moral duty to work towards an immediate end to the genocide,” demanded Gheyyur Kuerban of the Uyghur World Congress.

“Chancellor Olaf Scholz must also talk to the victims of the Chinese regimes – not only to the perpetrators. The Uyguhr Ilham Tohti, winner of the Sakharov Prize, is still being kept detained by the Chinese government. Scholz must advocate for him to be released – and try to enter a dialogue with exiled human rights activists,” stated Enver Can of the Ilham Tohti Initiative.

“Nowhere in the world are human rights trampled on as much as in China. The Chinese government is committing genocide crimes against the Uyghurs. Mr. Scholz, Mr. Söder, no deals without human rights,” emphasized Asgar Can of the European East Turkestan Union.  


Further information:

Statement on the German-Chinese government consultations


Letter from human rights activists to Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz



Jasna Causevic, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V.: j.causevic@gfbv.de / 015156086370

David Missal, Tibet Initiative Deutschland: presse@tibet-initiative.de / 015125021295

Kai Müller, International Campaign for Tibet: 015124067212

Aniessa Andresen, Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V.: aniessa.andresen@hongkonger-in-deutschland.org / 07723 8739633

Gheyyur Kuerban, Weltkongress der Uiguren: kuerban@uyghurcongress.org / 0176-80569329

Enver Can, Ilham Tohti Initiative: enver.can@web.de / 01738912048

Asgar Can, Ostturkestanische Union: canasgar@yahoo.de / 01635482175