
China: Harsh criticism of the death sentences against 27 Uyghurs

[Translate to Englisch:] © Gfbv/Michaela Böttcher

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is shocked by the death sentences against 27 Uyghurs on Monday in China – and expressed harsh criticism. "Considering several eyewitness reports, there are legitimate doubts about the official version of the occurrences, which mentions an 'attack' against a police station," said the STP's Asia-consultant, Ulrich Delius, in Göttingen. Further, he emphasized: "China's authorities did not even allow an independent investigation of the background of the escalating violence in Xinjiang/East Turkestan in late July. Arbitrary judgments like this will not help to increase confidence in China's judiciary system."

On Monday, a court in Kashgar sentenced twelve Uyghurs to death – and the planned execution of 15 convicted members of the Muslim minority was suspended for two years. Nine defendants were given life sentences and 20 people were sentenced to prison terms between four and 20 years. Only two of the accused were released on parole. All of the defendants had been made responsible for the violent deaths of 37 people in the city Elishku in the district Yarkand in Xinjiang/East Turkestan on July 28, 2014.

"The investigating authorities did not seriously consider the eyewitness reports, according to which there was no 'attack' on a police station, but a bloody suppression of an initially peaceful demonstration", said Delius. According to the STP, the police had once again tried to break up the demonstration by violating the freedom of religion.

During a search, a police officer lifted the veil of a Muslim woman against her will. When her family members protested, a fight broke out – in which five of the family members were killed. When the villagers gathered outside the police station to protest against the violence, the police opened fire, killing an unknown number of people. Official reports stated 37 dead, while Uyghur exile groups mention up to 2,000 victims and even the Han Chinese people in the region believe that more than a hundred people got killed.

It is cynical to suggest that this massacre against the Uyghur people was an Uyghur terrorist attack – and it will not help to improve the relationship between Uyghurs and Han Chinese," said Delius.

Ulrich Delius, head of STP's Asia department, is available for further questions: +49 551 49906 27 or asien@gfbv.de.

Header Photo: © STP/Michaela Böttcher