
Fire disaster and expulsions in Artsakh (Nagorno Karbakh)

Where is the German Foreign Minister?

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes Annalena Baerbock, the German Foreign Minister, for not commenting on the fire disaster and the expulsion of the Armenian people from Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh): “For months, Germany watched idly while Azerbaijan enforced a blockade of Artsakh. It was tolerated that 120,000 people were shut in and cut off from supplies. It was tolerated that Azerbaijan attacked and took control of Artsakh. The consequences were foreseeable: 13,550 people have already fled from the region. Now, the explosion of a fuel depot has caused even more terrible suffering,” stated Sarah Reinke, the STP’s expert on Eastern Europe. “While other countries such as France and the United States reacted quickly, the German Foreign office chose to remain silent. Where is the German Foreign Minister, who otherwise likes to boast of her clear statements.” 

Following the political failure of Germany’s foreign policy, it would be necessary to at least provide humanitarian aid, even if the help comes too late for many: “Please be quick this time, Ms Baerbock! Please ensure that Azerbaijan will not, under exclusion of the world public, occupy Artsakh and expel the people. What is needed are international observers and UN peacekeeping troops – so please advocate for this as soon as possible,” Reinke demanded.