
Boko Haram burns down ten churches in northern Nigeria

Radical Islamists kill Pastor and 19 villagers

[Translate to Englisch:] © Mike Blyth/Flickr

Despite recent reports of success issued by the Nigerian Army, radical Islamists forces continue to terrorize the civilian population in north-eastern Nigeria – as reported by the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen on Friday. Boko Haram fighters committed raids in two villages in Borno State on Wednesday and Thursday, killing a pastor, a teacher and 18 other villagers. In addition, the Islamists burned down ten churches and destroyed a girls' school as well as a health clinic in the village Shaffa.

"The Christian population in northern Nigeria is still not safe, even if the army and politicians are trying to reassure the civilian population by promising to break up Boko Haram soon," criticized the STP's Africa-consultant, Ulrich Delius. "However, many people are doubtful, because the daily reports of success of the armed forces cannot be verified by an independent party and because the army already tried to deceive the civilian population too often."

On Wednesday evening, the fighters attacked the village Shaffa. During the raid, they killed the pastor of the Pentecostal "Living Faith Church", Eliud Gwamna Mshelizza. According to the "Living Faith Church", which is based in Nigeria, the church is represented in 34 countries all over the world. Further, a teacher of the local girls' grammar school and many other believers were killed.

On Thursday morning, Boko Haram fighters also attacked the neighboring village Shindiffu and destroyed several churches. When they also tried to attack the village Turaku, they were stopped by soldiers. Most Islamist fighters were shot.

Earlier this week, the army claimed to have killed a double of the dreaded Boko Haram leader Mohammed Shekau – and declared that Shekau himself already died two years ago. The army had already proclaimed the death of the cult leader on several occasions, but the public tends to remain reserved about the assertion. There is not much trust in the military's success messages – and the terror spread by Boko Haram is still increasing.

Ulrich Delius, der Afrikareferent der Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, ist erreichbar unter Tel. 0551 49906 27 oder afrika@gfbv.de.

Header Foto: Mike Blyth/Flickr