
Australian Indigenous Voice Referendum (October 14)

Why many indigenous Australians are not in favor of this voice

On October 14, the people of Australia will vote on a referendum concerning the “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice” – which is about enshrining an advisory body for Australia’s indigenous population in the country’s constitution. The name was chosen in such a way that it is almost impossible to be against the concept, but large parts of the country’s indigenous population are still advocating for a “no”. “However, you hardly hear anything about this in the Australian media. The multi-million dollar, neoliberal ‘yes23’ campaign and the very powerful, conservative ‘No’ campaign are shouting at each other so loudly that the people they are talking about are hardly heard,” stated Marion Caris, Australia Coordinator of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP). “The general public is hardly aware of the fact that all of the indigenous communities consulted in the scope of regional talks about the Voice concept were opposed to a purely advisory body. Most of them wanted what they have been demanding for many years: a legally binding agreement granting them real land rights, a reappraisal of colonial history, as well as reforms to jurisdiction and the welfare system.” These substantial rights are about to move further out of reach if the proposed constitutional amendment is actually implemented.

Of course, not all Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders are of the same opinion. Some of them were involved in establishing the current Voice concept and are supporting the “Yes” campaign. For some context for the complex situation, you can download a concise guide here (in German).