
All talk, no action: Germany has no strategy for conflict resolution in Africa

Germany in UN Security Council (Jan. 1, 2011)

The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called Germany's preparation to take its seat on the UN Security Council starting January 1 "inadequate." "It has been two months since Germany was once again elected as a non-permanent member, and Berlin has not used the time develop a strategy for peaceful conflict resolution in Africa, nor to take a more active role internationally in the quest for peace," criticized the head of the Africa section at the STP, Ulrich Delius, on Thursday in Göttingen. He pointed out that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Guido Westerwelle, spoke of increased German dedication to the peaceful resolution of conflicts in Africa in a video message broadcast on the Foreign Office website.


Westerwelle emphasized Germany's concern for peace in Sudan in the run-up to the 9 January 2011 referendum on the future of South Sudan. "But the impressive talk coming out of Berlin is not being followed up by actions in South Sudan," stated Delius. "The least they could do is increase the diplomatic representation of our country in South Sudan. Germany is still represented by just one diplomat dividing his time between Khartoum and South Sudan. This cannot be seen as a serious effort to help build up a new nation in South Sudan." Berlin's answer is to bemoan the lack of paid full-time positions and of funds. "If you want to help shape global policies, you have to provide the means to do so – otherwise you just make yourself a laughing stock."


Numerous European nations and the US have entire diplomatic teams posted in South Sudan, gathering comprehensive information on the tense situation while also signaling a clear interest in good governance in the country. The STP also criticized Minister Westerwelle for failing to make good on his announcement that Germany would actively work for the protection of children in war. "Germany could lead the way by setting an example, and working towards a re-orientation of European foreign policies towards Congo and Somalia." The governments of both nations are known for making grand statements about protecting children while at the same time using children in their own regular armies. Furthermore, Delius continued, there is no concept for a peaceful solution of the conflict concerning the "Lord's Resistance Army (LRA)," which is still kidnapping children and using them as soldiers. "Tens of thousands of children in Sudan, Congo and the Central African Republic are suffering under the terror of the LRA," reported Delius. "But Germany has done little to end this terror."


For further information please contact Ulrich Delius: 0049-(0)551-4990627


Translated by Elizabeth Crawford

