
"A stab to the heart"

Bosnians are indignant about the Nobel Peace Prize for the EU

In view of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the Nobel Peace Prize Award for the EU is a "stab to the heart" for the Bosnian people. The STP’s Secretary General, Tilman Zülch, explains:

"For years, the EU only observed the crimes against humanity committed by Serbian forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina – right in middle of Europe! This is the reason why the Srebrenica massacre was possible. This is the reason why Bosnia is now a divided country – and this is the reason why about one million people from Bosnia are now scattered all over the world, because they could not return to their homes after the traumatic mass executions, rapes and expulsions. We are ashamed that the Nobel Prize Committee has obviously forgotten about the suffering that people in Europe had to go through some years ago – without an intervention by the EU."