
18 more villagers killed in a terrorist attack by Boko Haram

Northern Nigeria: 1100 victims of Islamist terrorism since May 2013

On Thursday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen reported that about 1.100 people have fallen victim to terrorist attacks by the Islamist Boko Haram sect in northern Nigeria since May 2013. The most recent attack – the 52nd – took place in Borno state on Tuesday. Gunmen attacked the village on Goniri, killing 18 villagers and injuring twelve more. "Every week, at least 50 civilians fall victim to the terror of the Islamist sect," said STP-consultant Ulrich Delius. "Nigeria's government must urgently guarantee a better protection of the civilian population and find a political solution for the conflict." In May, Nigeria had imposed a state of emergency on the states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa in order to try and fight Boko Haram effectively.

It is not only the Christians who become victims, but also countless Muslims. While many Christians had died in attacks on churches in the larger cities, the number of Muslim victims has grown significantly during the last few weeks. "Recently, Boko Haram committed more and more attacks on the rural regions, where many of Muslim people live," said Delius.

On Tuesday evening, when the village of Goniri was attacked, the villagers had gathered in the mosque for prayers. According to eyewitnesses, the heavily armed attackers set fire to homes and businesses and fired guns at random. On Sunday and Monday, 30 people got killed when Boko Haram fighters attacked two villages in Borno state.