
2175 results:
811. Europe needs a clear voice in favor of religious freedom!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) welcomes the decision of the EU Commission to keep the office of the EU Special Representative for Freedom of Religion, stating that this is an important sign  
Date: 09-07-20
812. Europe's ambassadors must demand release of Gao Zhisheng!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an appeal to the ambassadors of the leading European countries and the United States in China to demand a release of the imprisoned human rights  
Date: 04-08-14
813. Europe's judges set new impulses in the Catalonia question EuGH-Urteil zu katalanischen MdEPs: • Menschenrechtler fordern politischen Dialog auf Augenhöhe • Kriminalisierung habe erwartungsgemäß zu nichts geführt • Spanisches Urteil gegen Quim Torra  
Date: 20-12-19
814. Europe: Are the countries of the Western Balkans ready for the European Union? The EU must live up to its leadership role in the Western Balkans, to enable all countries to develop into democratic states and to lay the basis for a just society.  
Date: 15-05-18
Percental score: 3
815. European Civil Rights Prize for the General Secretary and founder of the Society for Threatened Peoples   Tilman Zülch, General Secretary and founder of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), was honored with the European Civil Rights Prize of the Sinti and Roma in Berlin on Thursday. The award is  
Date: 26-03-14
Percental score: 4
816. European control of armaments exports is a farce!   In view of the STP, the planned sale of 100 "Leopard" battle tanks to Indonesia is putting the future of Europe's arms export controls at risk. The common armament export controls are a farce if the  
Date: 12-07-12
817. European Court of Human Rights orders change in electoral law   International STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) calls therefore for the rigorous abolition of the…  
Date: 29-12-09
Percental score: 6
818. European Court of Justice decides that Western Sahara is not a part of Morocco   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) welcomes a decision of the European Court of Justice in which – in connection with a dispute over the validity of the EU fisheries agreement with Morocco – it  
Date: 27-02-18
Percental score: 4
819. European governments are ignoring this, the worst persecution of dissenters in China since the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)   … While the bloodbath in Peking provoked many international protests and sanctions against China, the…  
Date: 20-07-10
Percental score: 3
820. European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (August 2)   European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day (August 2): Aniziganism still widespread in large parts of Europe In the scope of the pandemic, Sinti and Roma are made scapegoats Racist incitement in social  
Date: 02-08-20