
2175 results:
801. EU training mission will fail if there is no reform – Mali needs help, not a symbolic gesture!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes that Germany is planning to partake in the training mission for the Malian army. The mission will not help to stabilize northern Mali – it will be  
Date: 18-02-13
802. EU-Africa Summit (November 28/29): Europe’s refugee policy must not tolerate slavery The Society for Threatened Peoples demands the European Union (EU) to use the forthcoming EU-Africa summit to initiate specific programs to fight slavery and crimes against humanity in Libya.  
Date: 24-11-17
Percental score: 7
803. EU-China Summit in Brussels (April 9) … tomorrow. So far, China has refused to do so. International pressure is the only way to persuade the…  
Date: 08-04-19
Percental score: 6
804. EU-initiative for Eritrea will not help to end despotism According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the EU’s policy on refugees from Eritrea is to be seen as “short-sighted” and “unrealistic”.  
Date: 21-09-15
Percental score: 6
805. EU-Western Balkans Summit in Sofia: Stabilize the conflict region! In order to stabilize the conflict-ridden region of the Western Balkans, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands all suspected war criminals in the countries of the former Yugoslavia to be  
Date: 15-05-18
Percental score: 3
806. Europe and United Nations should advocate for the release of political prisoners in Ethiopia   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has sent an appeal to the European Union and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, to clarify the fate of missing Ethiopian  
Date: 07-07-14
807. Europe must mediate in the Catalan conflict – It will not help to look the other way!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has urged the European Union (EU) to mediate in the dispute over an independence referendum in Catalonia.  
Date: 22-09-17
808. Europe must show more commitment to stop legal and illegal logging in the forests of Indonesia   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sends an appeal to the European Union to not only fight logging in the rainforests of Indonesia, but also to take action against the legal deforestation. Tens  
Date: 15-10-13
809. Europe must show more effort to promote peace and human rights in Cameroon According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), Germany should show more commitment towards the peace process in Cameroon.  
Date: 10-10-18
810. Europe must stand up for peace – The fate of 500,000 southern Sudanese war refugees in Sudan must be clarified   … another war between Sudan and South Sudan. Only international mediators can now prevent the two belligerent…  
Date: 12-04-12
Percental score: 6