
2466 results:
61. European Court of Human Rights orders change in electoral law   Society for Threatened Peoples welcomes the first step in abolishing the apartheid system (established in Dayton) in Bosnia and Herzegovina by the European Court of Human Rights. Thanks to the…  
Date: 29-12-09
62. Civilian population in Somalia is threatened by more starvation   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) gave warning on Tuesday that the appalling famine in Somalia is likely to become more acute. The enormous increase in…  
Date: 09-01-10
63. Bangladesh : 9000 Moslem refugees from Burma threatened with deportation   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) warned on Wednesday that 9,000 Moslem Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh are likely to be deported to their home country…  
Date: 09-01-10
64. Five years peace agreement and still no end to the violence in South Sudan – Protect human rights – prevent a new war!   For months the armed violence in South Sudan has been escalating and there are also no signs of a peace solution in Darfur in western Sudan. The comprehensive peace agreement concluded between North…  
Date: 09-01-10
65. Our country has a responsibility to victims of expulsion – in Turkey as well, Mr Westerwelle!   Dear Mr Westerwelle, You are today in Turkey accompanied by many managers and you will be visiting the Gulf states . On your visits to Istanbul and Ankara you will also be confronted with…  
Date: 09-01-10
66. Time to stop treating Bosnia and Herzegovina like a European pa-riah state   Dear Federal Chancellor, Tomorrow you will be welcoming Mr Zeljko Komsic, Chairman of the Rotating Presidency of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the occasion of his state visit to…  
Date: 11-01-10
67. No deportation into the icy Kosovo winter!   "No deportation into the icy Kosovo winter! People sent back will be met with life-threatening cold, illnesses and misery!” With this dramatic appeal the Society for Threatened Peoples STP…  
Date: 11-01-10
68. Peace process for South Sudan in danger – Protect human rights – Prevent a new war!   The fifth anniversary of the peace agreement between North and South Sudan is coming (09.01.) and Amnesty International (AI) and the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte…  
Date: 11-01-10
69. Security measures for Christians in Egypt called for – Cairo must not stir up Moslems against Coptic community   Following the fatal attack on Coptic Christians in Egypt the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) urgently begged Angela Merkel on Thursday to speak out to the…  
Date: 11-01-10
70. No pussy-footing! – What we need is a clear call for human rights!   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has called on Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle to speak up clearly on his visit to China for an end to the arbitrary…  
Date: 13-01-10