
2466 results:
51. Will the designated German Foreign Minister follow Cameron's example? Massive increase of arrests in Tibet   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that the European China-policy should not continue to ignore human rights issues. This weekend, the British newspaper "Guardian" reported that –…  
Date: 02-12-13
52. Will Sudan's President Bashir be extradited to The Hague? The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the German government of lacking commitment in the fight against impunity concerning the genocide crimes and crimes against humanity committed in…  
Date: 16-06-15
53. Will German soldiers be operating in Mali too? - The European Training Mission is a long-term task   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has asked Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen to ascertain whether Bundeswehr instructors will be involved in the European Army Training Mission (EUTM) in…  
Date: 06-02-14
54. Wikileaks exposes militarization of the Sahara - Tuareg adversely affected by anti-terror fighting   Three months after the kidnapping of seven employees of a French nuclear company in the Sahara by Al Qaeda in Maghreb, the Tuareg are suffering under the growing militarization of the desert region.…  
Date: 22-12-10
55. Wife of imprisoned Mongolian human rights activist Hada arrested   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has demanded the immediate release of the wife of imprisoned Mongolian human rights activist Hada, who was arrested last weekend. The book dealer and…  
Date: 16-12-10
56. Where is the voice of Germany, guarantor power for peace in Sudan?   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) insistently criticizes the fact that Germany has so far remained silent about the grave violations of the peace agreement between North and South Sudan.…  
Date: 23-05-11
57. When war criminals absolve each other of guilt According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the general amnesty for all armed rebels in South Sudan (imposed on Wednesday) is “inhumane and irresponsible”, and a major setback in the…  
Date: 10-08-18
58. Westerwelle should take back the veto against the no-fly zone!   Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle should declare on Tuesday whether Libya's ruler Muammar al-Qaddafi is using communications equipment and arms from Germany in the bloody repression of the young…  
Date: 15-03-11
59. Westerwelle should advocate for the rights of Copts and Bedouins – Christians form a "Coptic Brotherhood"   On Monday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appealed to Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle to advocate for more rights for Copts and Bedouins during today's unexpectedly announced meeting…  
Date: 11-07-12
60. Western Sahara: Controversy over fishing rights According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the new fisheries agreement between the European Union and Morocco is to be seen as a violation of international law – and it ignores the…  
Date: 23-07-18