
2466 results:
31. Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention (July 1)   Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention (July 1):
• STP is concerned about Turkey's next step on its path towards Islamism
• A decision to appease Erdogan's traditional voters 
Date: 30-06-21
32. 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1)   100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (July 1):
• Still no access for UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
• German politicians such as Hans-Peter Friedrich support Chinese…  
Date: 28-06-21
33. Judgment of the Special Tribunal in The Hague (June 30)   Judgement of the Special Tribunal in the Hague (June 30):
• Probably the last judgement of the Special Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
• Staniši?, the former Serbian head of state…  
Date: 28-06-21
34. Protests in Brazil   Protests in Brazil:
• STP condemns brutal crackdowns on indigenous protesters
• Protests against a controversial draft law – police forces use tear gas and rubber bullets  
Date: 23-06-21
35. Worldwide day of action: Protest event at the Brandenburg Gate   Worldwide day of action:
Protest event at the Brandenburg Gate
Broad alliance of organizations criticizes IOC
"The Olympic Winter Games must not take place in Beijing"
Date: 21-06-21
36. Presidential elections in Iran (June 18)   Presidential elections in Iran (June 18):
• STP demands end to state oppression against the Bahá'í and other minorities
• Smaller population groups must be given cultural and language…  
Date: 15-06-21
37. Death threats against indigenous leader   Death threats against indigenous leader:
• The STP is deeply concerned about death threats against Leila Rocha
• The leader of the Guarani Kaiowá is trying to fend off attacks by…  
Date: 13-06-21
38. An appeal to Joe Biden   NATO Summit: A meeting between Biden and Erdogan
• STP appeals to Biden to advocate for an end to the Turkish aggression against ethnic and religious minorities
• Attacks against the…  
Date: 10-06-21
39. Volkswagen must not benefit from genocide crimes in Xinjiang    Saturday, June 12, 2021
From 2 pm to 5 pm
In front of Wolfsburg’s Main Station (Hauptbahnhof)
Date: 07-06-21
40. Appeal judgement against Ratko Mladic (June 8)   Appeal judgement against Ratko Mladic (June 8):
• Survivors are hoping that further crimes will be acknowledged
• Prosecutors assume further serious crimes in Prijedor and other…  
Date: 07-06-21