
378 results:
361. Attack in China's restive Xinjiang region   … on a police patrol in the city of Aksu (Xinjiang Autonomous Region/East Turkestan) in northwestern China. Seven people were killed and 14 wounded in the attack. "Violence is not the solution to the growing…  
Date: 25-08-10
Percental score: 72
362. Tibetans, Uigurs und Falun Gong Followers denied legal protection   … This July, leading human rights attorneys in China are being denied the annual renewal of their licenses to practice law, stated the Society for Threatened people on Thursday. At least six prominant attorneys in Peking…  
Date: 23-07-10
Percental score: 15
363. European governments are ignoring this, the worst persecution of dissenters in China since the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)   … Exactly eleven years ago, the bloody persecution of the Falun Gong meditation movement began in China (07/20/1999). This Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is reminding the world about this tragedy and…  
Date: 20-07-10
Percental score: 64
364. Unfair elections - Regime critics in custody - criticism of Europe's double standard of morality   … connections of opposition politicians are systematically monitored with computer technology from China and critical foreign radio stations are jammed by the government. "It is scandalous that the Oromo…  
Date: 20-05-10
Percental score: 8
365. Chinese authorities arrest Tibetan writer – STP demands immediate release   … security forces. He had in an open letter together with seven other Tibetan intellectuals criticised China ’s aid for the earthquake in the province of Qinghai and expressed his sorrow concerning the many…  
Date: 28-04-10
Percental score: 16
366. Violations of human rights escalate - New figures document the wave of arrests   … the streets in battle dress with machine pistols. " Instead of a dialogue with the Tibetans China's government pursues a course of intimidation and persecution”, criticised Delius. Block wardens are…  
Date: 09-03-10
Percental score: 15
367. The Swiss Bundesrat (Federal Council) is willing to take two Guantanamo Uighurs. What a shame that Germany did not have the courage for such a great humanitarian gesture!   … is a great humanitarian gesture which we would have hoped to see from Germany”, said the China expert, Ulrich Delius. It is shameful for Germany that "small” Switzerland had the guts to stand…  
Date: 03-02-10
Percental score: 25
368. EU arms embargo against China must remain in force!   … Spain wants to remove EU sanctions against China EU arms embargo against China must remain in force! The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has appealed to the Foreign…  
Date: 03-02-10
Percental score: 78
369. No pussy-footing! – What we need is a clear call for human rights!   … Völker GfbV) has called on Foreign Minister, Guido Westerwelle to speak up clearly on his visit to China for an end to the arbitrary persecution of Uighurs and Tibetans. "It is not pussy-footing we need,…  
Date: 13-01-10
Percental score: 24
370. The Hmong refugees from Laos must not be deported!   … and civilian helpers. The Hmong have been mercilessly persecuted there since the end of the Indo-China wars as allies of the USA . Thousands of them, above all the elderly, the sick, those wounded trying to…  
Date: 29-12-09
Percental score: 12