
378 results:
311. Detention centers in China Detention centers in Xinjiang: - STP calls for EU travel bans and financial sanctions against those who are responsible - The region's former Security Chief, his successor, and the current Party  
Date: 26-11-19
Percental score: 69
312. Freedom of Education – Is Germany following the example of the People's Republic of China?   The influence of the Chinese government in Germany is growing – as can be seen from the recent cooperation agreement between the Bundeswehr and the so-called "People's Liberation Army", the "New Silk  
Date: 27-11-19
Percental score: 65
313. Sakharov Prize for Ilham Tohti   … Peoples (STP) welcomes the EU's statement against the oppression of the Muslim community in western China. "But the people in Xinjiang need more than well-meant gestures", emphasized Ulrich Delius, the STP's…  
Date: 17-12-19
Percental score: 21
314. Conflicts in Burma fuel human trafficking   … in Kachin State, which is fighting for more autonomy. "Again and again, Kachin women are lured to China with false promises of work, then forced to marry there," Delius said. Chinese men will pay up to 7,000…  
Date: 07-01-20
Percental score: 13
315. New IOC guidelines on political expression   … its own population," explained Ulrich Delius, the STP's director, in Göttingen on Wednesday. In China, several Uyghur and Kazakh athletes have been detained in re-education camps, solely on the basis of…  
Date: 15-01-20
Percental score: 15
316. Coronavirus detected in Xinjiang   …Internierte sind besonders gefährdet China soll die WHO über Schutz Internierter informieren  
Date: 27-01-20
Percental score: 22
317. New secret documents on crimes in Xinjiang …"Germany and the European Union must not accept that crimes against the humanity of their strategic partner China are not addressed at summit meetings – or only briefly mentioned as side notes," stated Ulrich Delius,…  
Date: 18-02-20
Percental score: 28
318. Massive pressure on civil society Following the death of a government critic in police custody in Kazakhstan, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for an independent investigation into the mysterious death.  
Date: 28-02-20
Percental score: 9
319. China persecutes nuns and monks …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused China of systematically persecuting and forcibly assimilating Buddhist nuns and monks, with the aim of bringing Tibet under the total control of the People's Republic.  
Date: 09-03-20
Percental score: 73
320. China's humanitarian soft power threatens to change world order   …---- The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that China is changing the world order, distracting from its own human rights violations by offering humanitarian aid in the struggle to contain COVID-19. According to…  
Date: 23-03-20
Percental score: 70