
378 results:
301. Again, a Tibetan woman dies by self-immolation   …On Wednesday, another Tibetan killed herself by self-immolation as a form of protest against China's policy towards Tibet. The mother of three children died near a monastery in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Aba,…  
Date: 31-05-12
Percental score: 15
302. A new report illustrates the dramatic human rights situation in Tibet: Europe must act!   Anlässlich des bevorstehenden Europa-Besuchs des Dalai Lama und der Europäischen Solidaritätskundgebung für Tibet veröffentlicht die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker International (GfbV) am heutigen  
Date: 10-05-12
Percental score: 9
303. Draconian sentences for Tibetan protesters   …23 Tibetans received draconian sentences for participating in a peaceful demonstration against China's rule in Tibet. The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes that most of the protesters will now face between…  
Date: 02-05-12
Percental score: 15
304. New human rights report "Writers in China: Enemies of the State", documents persecution of authors   … has published a new human rights report documenting the persecution of 79 writers and bloggers in China. There are currently 54 writers being held in secret prisons, work camps or in conventional prisons.  
Date: 15-03-12
Percental score: 63
305. Commemorating the national uprising in Tibet (Mar. 10, 1959)   The Tibet question is more pressing every day. More Tibetan individuals than ever are taking dramatic action, including self-immolations, to draw attention to the problem, notes the Society for  
Date: 09-03-12
Percental score: 13
306. Don't forget human rights! Alarming situation in Tibet: 6 self-immolations in the past 13 days   … to EU Commission president José Manuel Barroso to address the alarming situation in Tibet at the EU-China summit to be held this Wednesday in Beijing. The grievous human rights situation should not be left out…  
Date: 14-02-12
Percental score: 23
307. German development aid is needed most urgently in minority regions   On the occasion of his visit to Burma, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has called on Dirk Niebel, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, to support the long neglected  
Date: 13-02-12
Percental score: 8
308. Conflicts in minority regions continue – more than 65,000 Kachin on the run from violence   Despite the liberalization in Burma, there is no end to the fighting and the severe human rights violations in Kachin State in the northeast of the country. More than 65,000 members of the Kachin  
Date: 08-02-12
Percental score: 15
309. China presents itself in best light – no room for human rights!   … Culture Year 2012 in Germany to be a one-sided propaganda show initiated by the Chinese government. China's leadership exploits artist for an image campaign in Germany, while at the same time dozens of writers…  
Date: 26-01-12
Percental score: 71
310. The Chancellor must campaign for an end to violence against Tibetans!   … Angela Merkel to campaign for an end to bloodshed and persecutions in Tibet when she visits China next week. The Chancellor should insist that the government in Beijing will respect China's…  
Date: 25-01-12
Percental score: 24