
2466 results:
291. War against terror in Sahara intensifies: 75.000 soldiers are supposed to track down 300 Terrorists   The Tuareg who inhabit the Sahara are concerned about the intensified war against terror in the desert-areas of North West Africa. The Tuareg are afraid that more weapons and reinforced troops might…  
Date: 24-05-11
292. Tighten sanctions against the oppressive regime in Damascus and expel the Syrian Ambassador!   On Tuesday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to Guido Westerwelle, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to expel the Syrian ambassador from Germany. Diplomatic representatives of a…  
Date: 24-05-11
293. The murderer of Srebrenica is also responsible for concentration camps, mass rape and other war crimes!   Tilman Zülch, President of the International Society for Threatened People (STP), comments on the arrest of the internationally sought war criminal Ratko Mladic in Serbia this Tuesday as follows: 
Date: 26-05-11
294. Society for Threatened Peoples has thousands of eye-witness accounts available   The trial of "Butcher of Srebrenica" Ratko Mladic at the International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague can begin immediately. The Göttingen human rights organisation Society for Threatened Peoples has…  
Date: 27-05-11
295. Economy Instead of Human Rights - No Support for the Victims of India's Economic Boom   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) laments the fact that German chancellor Angela Merkel and numerous German Ministers will visit India without discussing the plight of the 95 million…  
Date: 31-05-11
296. Release Maschal Tamo and Mustafa Ismail From Prison!  
The Kurdish Syrian human rights activist Maschal Tamo and Mustafa Imail are free! The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) learned on Friday that both have been released from Prison.  
Date: 03-06-11
297. No German trade partnership with Kazakhstan without human rights!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticized the German government's planned commodity trading partnership with Kazakhstan, because this Central Asian nation violates basic human rights and…  
Date: 07-06-11
298. After years of dispute, authorities permit access to water for displaced Bushmen   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) expressed relief on learning of the Botswana government's decision to finally permit access to drinking water for the San indigenous peoples in the Kalahari…  
Date: 07-06-11
299. Germany and Other NATO-Countries Should Campaign for a Democratic Solution to the Kurdish Issue   The Society for Threatened People’s (STP) demands that after Turkey’s parliamentary elections on June 12, Germany and other NATO-Countries ensure that finally a serious dialogue between Kurdish…  
Date: 08-06-11
300. An Opportunity: FUEN, the Ally of Europe's Roma   About 180 representatives of various minorites from around Europe, political decision makers and civil-rights activists discussed possibilites to keep their identity and their culture at the minority…  
Date: 09-06-11