
2466 results:
21. Judgement against human rights worker encourages criminal despot Kadyrov   The judgement against the head of the most well-known Russian human rights organisation MEMORIAL, Oleg Orlov, to pay "compensation” to the Chechnyan President, Ramsan Kadyrow, has caused great…  
Date: 08-10-09
22. EU and USA accused: the Dayton Agreement is responsible for the desperate political situation in Bosnia   On the eve of tomorrow's meeting in Sarajevo at which US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, representing the European Union, will discuss the current…  
Date: 08-10-09
23. Please protect the "Jungle-Hmong” from Laos, Your Royal Highness!   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) appealed on Thursday during a vigil in Göttingen to the Thai Princess Prof. Chulabhorn Mahidol to speak up in her home…  
Date: 15-10-09
24. New unjust trials against 14 Uyghurs – Wave of death sentences threatens   Today Wednesday the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) reported that court proceedings have been opened against 14 Uyghurs. The accused are charged with…  
Date: 17-10-09
25. Refugees: Sharp criticism of planned deportations   "In the third Reich we Jews were considered sub-humans, and indeed the Sinti and Roma are today not called sub-humans, but they are seen and treated that way”. (Prof. Ernst Tugendhat, German Jewish…  
Date: 17-10-09
26. Stop the planned treaties with Syria.   Dear Sir or Madam: On October 26th 2009, the European Union plans to sign a treaty of association with Syria. Even in the case that a supplementary statement from EU member states was to be…  
Date: 19-10-09
27. Unjust sentence against professor for literature from Nanjing Former university professor sentenced to ten years imprisonment for appeals for democracy   The former professor for literature, Guo Quan, from Nanjing, the Chinese partner town of Göttingen, Leipzig, Stuttgart and Friedrichshafen, has been sentenced to ten years imprisonment because he…  
Date: 21-10-09
28. Germany and EU states must support peace initiative of the Kurdish parties in Turkey   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) addressed on Wednesday, an urgent appeal to the foreign policy representatives of the political parties in the German…  
Date: 22-10-09
29. Survivors of the genocide demonstrate outside the UN Tribunal   Together with surviving victims of the genocide in Bosnia the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is demonstrating at the beginning of the trial against the presumed war criminal and former…  
Date: 27-10-09
30. Serious charges against the Ethiopian government: Plantations for biofuel and export of flowers encourage famine   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has charged the Ethiopian government of increasing the famine disaster on the Horn of Africa with a mistaken…  
Date: 30-10-09