
378 results:
251. STP demands Germany to advocate for the protection of the civilian population in armed conflicts   On the occasion of the International Women's Day (March 8th), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) published a memorandum to provide documentation for women's fates in armed conflicts, as  
Date: 06-03-14
Percental score: 6
252. Stop the cycle of violence in Xinjiang – Uyghurs must not be demonized! Plans for a regional anti- terror act   … station in Kunming, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that the Uyghur population in China must not be demonized.  
Date: 03-03-14
Percental score: 23
253. Well-known Uyghur professor of Economics accused of separatism   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) criticizes the fact that China has now formally accused the well-known Uyghur economist Ilham Tohti of separatism. The charge of separatism is an act of arbitrariness – and it…  
Date: 27-02-14
Percental score: 23
254. Hundreds of languages are threatened with extinction A positive development for the indigenous languages of Central America   On occasion of the International Mother Language Day, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) points out that more than 600 languages and dialects are threatened with extinction. Another 1.800 of  
Date: 20-02-14
Percental score: 11
255. More repression and proceedings against alleged terrorists – China's government must rethink to stop violence   … of Uyghur human rights activists in order to stop violence from spreading in north-western China. China's authorities must release the dozens of Uyghur bloggers, journalists, scientists and human…  
Date: 17-02-14
Percental score: 66
256. South Sudan is threatened with famine – a race against time! Without peace, there is no end to hunger in sight!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns about a famine in South Sudan. It's a race against time for the aid workers who are trying to provide sufficient supplies for the 3.7 million needy  
Date: 17-02-14
Percental score: 8
257. China intensifies measures against human rights activists   …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses China's government of ignoring the rule of law and of systematically criminalizing human rights activists. The Chinese government's measures against human rights…  
Date: 27-01-14
Percental score: 67
258. 65 Chinese human rights activists arrested since March 2013 – Chinese leaders are trying to silence human rights defenders   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Chinese government of trying to silence human rights activists in order to ensure its retention of power. "At least 65 human rights activists were  
Date: 22-01-14
Percental score: 17
259. China's anti-terror measures are controversial – the violent deaths of 16 people appear in a new light   …Following the violent deaths of 16 people in the Uyghur region of north-western China last Sunday, their identities and the circumstances of their deaths are still disputed. On Thursday, the Society for Threatened…  
Date: 23-12-13
Percental score: 64
260. Independent investigations required – A warning about more violence in northwestern China   … police investigations about an incident during which, according to an official statement from China, 14 Uyghurs and two Chinese police officers were killed in the north-west of the country last weekend.…  
Date: 16-12-13
Percental score: 65