
2466 results:
251. An affront to diversity: EU turns its back on minorities   An affront to diversity: EU turns its back on minorities We are currently witnessing discontent in the European minority regions, and the anger is directed at the European Commission. 50 million…  
Date: 26-01-21
252. An appeal to Barack Obama: Please free Leonard Peltier, the seriously ill Native American civil rights activist!   On occasion of the visit of US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle to the Lakota reservation "Standing Rock" in North Dakota, the Society for Threatened Peoples would like to draw attention…  
Date: 13-06-14
253. An appeal to Chancellor Merkel: Islamists could benefit – Stop the arms exports to Saudi Arabia and Turkey immediately!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) fears that military equipment from Germany might get into the hands of radical Islamists in Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Therefore, the Göttingen-based…  
Date: 27-09-13
254. An appeal to Gauck and Aung San Suu Kyi: There must be a political solution to the Rohingya issue, for the sake of Burma's process of democratization!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to Federal President Joachim Gauck and the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, asking them to work towards a political solution…  
Date: 07-02-14
255. An appeal to Joe Biden   NATO Summit: A meeting between Biden and Erdogan
• STP appeals to Biden to advocate for an end to the Turkish aggression against ethnic and religious minorities
• Attacks against the…  
Date: 10-06-21
256. An appeal to Merkel: Seven native peoples groups in the Yasuní National Park need to be protected from planned oil production!   On occasion of the visit of the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, to Berlin, the STP points out the impending sell-out of the Yasuni National Park in the east of the South American country to oil…  
Date: 12-04-13
257. An appeal to NATO – Yazidis in northern Syria are in danger On Monday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General, asking him to convene a meeting of the North Atlantic Council and to take immediate…  
Date: 29-01-18
258. An appeal to Syrian people living in Germany   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) appeals to Syrian people living in Germany to support the "International Commission for Missing Persons" (ICMP) in its work.  
Date: 02-08-21
259. An appeal to the Interior Minister: Help the refugees from Syria – facilitate family reunions!   On the occasion of the Interior Minister Conference which will take place in Osnabrück from December 4 to 6 – the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an appeal to the politicians on Wednesday,…  
Date: 04-12-13
260. An appeal to the Minister of the Interior: Take up 50,000 Syrians and enable family reunions! A right to stay for Roma families that have been living in Germany for many years!   On occasion of the opening of the Interior Ministers Conference in Bonn, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) sent an urgent appeal to the politicians on Wednesday, asking them to help alleviate…  
Date: 11-06-14