
378 results:
231. Liu Xiaobo dead   …According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), China’s authorities are responsible for the death of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo – as he was not allowed to leave China to be treated by specialists abroad.  
Date: 14-07-17
Percental score: 26
232. China must respect religious freedom!   …On occasion of the 18th anniversary of the ban on the meditation movement Falun Gong in China (July 20, 1999), the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demanded an end to the intimidation, the arbitrary arrests, and the…  
Date: 19-07-17
Percental score: 70
233. EU must show commitment to have imprisoned Uyghurs released   … talks with the Egyptian government to try and have more than 200 imprisoned Uyghur students from China released.  
Date: 21-07-17
Percental score: 23
234. Better protection for refugees from North Korea   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands better protection for refugees from North Korea.  
Date: 11-08-17
Percental score: 25
235. Author Dogan Akhanli arrested: Interpol must stop misuse of “Red Notice”   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands a reform of the international police organization Interpol and an end to the misuse of the “Red Notices”.  
Date: 19-08-17
Percental score: 14
236. Unjust nations must not be able to instrumentalize Interpol to silence critics The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) calls for a reform of Interpol to keep unjust states from instrumentalizing the international police organization.  
Date: 21-08-17
Percental score: 9
237. Europe must mediate in the Catalan conflict – It will not help to look the other way!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has urged the European Union (EU) to mediate in the dispute over an independence referendum in Catalonia.  
Date: 22-09-17
Percental score: 10
238. Police state China: People’s Republic relies on total control   Foto: …The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) warns that China is planning to misuse artificial intelligence to persecute regime critics.  
Date: 13-10-17
Percental score: 67
239. Rohingya crisis: 100,000 new refugees within just one week – International community is failing to protect the civilian population   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the international community of failing to protect the persecuted Rohingya minority in Burma/Myanmar.  
Date: 19-10-17
Percental score: 8
240. European Union fails in Catalonia conflict   Instead of using their experience in conflict prevention and all their diplomatic skills to keep the Catalonia conflict from escalating, the EU states decided to take sides with the Spanish  
Date: 28-10-17
Percental score: 9