
2466 results:
221. Nigeria's demoralized Army   Nigeria's demoralized army:
Army fails to protect the people of northern Nigeria
Critical Major General court-martialed, 356 soldiers applied for their dismissal in July because of low…  
Date: 20-07-20
222. Mapuche prisoners in Chile   Chilean Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike:
Celestino Córdova, Mapuche spiritual and political authority, has been on hunger strike for three months, demanding – among other things – all…  
Date: 16-07-20
223. Spyware against Catalan politicians   Spyware found on mobile phones of Catalan politicians Ernest Maragall, Roger Torrent, and others:
STP demands independent investigation by the EU
Spying on critical voices…  
Date: 15-07-20
224. Christians in the Middle East are disappointed   Christians in the Middle East are disappointed by Western reactions to the Hagia Sophia decision
The West supports and tries to justify Turkey's Islamization policy
Many see…  
Date: 15-07-20
225. Sudan gets rid of apostasy laws   Sudan gets rid of apostasy laws:
STP welcomes new legal initiative
Abandonment of the Muslim religion no longer punishable by death, prohibition of female genital mutilation  
Date: 13-07-20
226. Failed coup attempt four years ago (July 15)   Political prisoners in Turkey are waiting for a decision by the ECHR:
STP appeals to the ECHR to give priority to cases regarding Turkey
"No chance for a fair trial in Turkey" – Many…  
Date: 13-07-20
227. Hagia Sophia in Istanbul   German Muslim associations remain silent on the topic of the Hagia Sophia:
Hardly any reaction to appeals for solidarity
Alevi associations are trying to prevent a conversion 
Date: 11-07-20
228. 25 years after the genocide of Srebrenica (July 11)   Memorial service commemorates the victims of Srebrenica:
Memorial service and wreath-laying ceremony at the Neue Wache in Berlin
Interreligious prayers, Bosnian funeral…  
Date: 10-07-20
229. Europe needs a clear voice in favor of religious freedom!   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) welcomes the decision of the EU Commission to keep the office of the EU Special Representative for Freedom of Religion, stating that this is an important sign…  
Date: 09-07-20
230. Hagia Sophia in Istanbul   Erdogan wants to convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque:
Turkey's Supreme Administrative Court will decide by next Thursday
STP calls on mosque communities in Germany to show solidarity…  
Date: 09-07-20