
2466 results:
201. Regional Groups   Your commitment is appreciated! Together, we are strong – for minority groups and for human rights!  
Date: 20-08-20
202. Chilean Mapuche leader ends hunger strike   Chilean Mapuche leader ends hunger strike:
Machi Celestino Córdova Tránsito reaches agreement after 107 days of hunger strike
STP relieved: According to independent investigations,…  
Date: 20-08-20
203. Anniversary of the genocide against the Rohingya (August 25)   STP publishes report on the anniversary of the genocide against the Rohingya (August 25):
"A Children's Emergency – Report on children affected by and conceived in the genocide against the…  
Date: 20-08-20
204. World Humanitarian Aid Day (August 19)   International Humanitarian Aid Day (August 19):
More attacks on aid workers than ever before
A total of 483 attacks with 125 deaths in 2019
Most of the victims are local helpers  
Date: 18-08-20
205. German Foreign Minister Maas in Lebanon   German Foreign Minister Maas must acknowledge the fears of the Christian communities in Lebanon and provide help  
Date: 13-08-20
206. Spiral of violence in West Africa   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
Civilian population bears main burden of militarization of West Africa
28 people die in attacks in Niger and Burkina Faso
Date: 10-08-20
207. Human rights action on the occasion of Indigenous Peoples' Day   SOCIETY FOR THREATENED PEOPLES – PRESS RELEASE
Human rights action on the occasion of Indigenous Peoples' Day:
STP action in front of the Federal Chancellery
Appeal: Do not…  
Date: 07-08-20
208. 75th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima (August 6)   Indigenous peoples are still suffering from the consequences of the invention of the atomic bomb
US plans for new nuclear tests are irresponsible  
Date: 04-08-20
209. Trial against Cologne-based singer in Turkey   Trial against Cologne-based singer Hozan Cane:
The accusations against the Kurdish artist are groundless
Foreign Minister Maas should advocate for her release
Federal government…  
Date: 03-08-20
210. Sixth anniversary of the genocide against the Yazidis (August 3)   Anniversary of the genocide against the Yazidis (August 3):
Hundreds of thousands of displaced persons want to return to their homes
Turkish air strikes make return dangerous 
Date: 02-08-20