
378 results:
191. German-Chinese government consultations are nothing but symbolic politics   According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP), the fourth German-Chinese government consultations are “disappointing from the viewpoint of human rights”.  
Date: 14-06-16
Percental score: 22
192. German-Chinese Human Rights Dialogue in Berlin (December 4)   …Given the escalating human rights violations in China, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) suggests that the Human Rights Dialogue with the People's Republic should be suspended. In the relations to China, the…  
Date: 02-12-14
Percental score: 23
193. Germany has nine strategic partner countries that disrespect the freedom of the press – the Federal Government must show more commitment towards independent media coverage   On occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) asks the German Federal Government to show more commitment towards the freedom of the press in their strategic  
Date: 02-05-14
Percental score: 15
194. Germany must not be fooled by China’s government … German government must intensify its efforts to save an Uyghur man who was illegally deported to China.  
Date: 15-08-18
Percental score: 75
195. Germany's policy towards Burma is subject to international criticism   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) accuses the Federal Government of blocking investigations on war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against members of ethnic minorities in Burma.  
Date: 05-08-11
Percental score: 8
196. Germany's strategic partners are enemies of human rights – Wahhabists from Saudi Arabia spread terror   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) in Göttingen criticizes what Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, had to say about the sale of German tanks to Saudi Arabia: In Monday's evening news on ARD she  
Date: 04-12-12
Percental score: 12
197. GfbV_Arbeitsbericht_2013.pdf   …li – Mauretanien – Nigeria – Sudan – Südsudan Zentralafrikanische Republik – Sonstige Aktivitäten Asien 21 China/Tibet/Ostturkestan –Vietnam – Pakistan – Sri Lanka – Indien – Japan – Burma (Myanmar) - Kambodscha …  
Date: 26-03-15
Percental score: 1
198. GfbV_Jahresbericht__2014.pdf   … – Zentralafrikanische Republik – Libyen – Mauretanien – Mali – Nigeria – Tansania – Westsahara - Asien 17 China – Burma- Vietnam- Indonesien – Pakistan – Sri Lanka - Indien Europa 22 Krimtataren – Ukraine –…  
Date: 24-09-15
Percental score: 1
199. Glacial melt due to climate change threatens Tibet and over one billion people in Asia - Dalai Lama concerned   … all over South and Southeast Asia," said Ulrich Delius, head of the STP's Asia section in Göttingen. "China's response to glacial melt has been the construction of more dams – which causes more problems than it…  
Date: 05-01-11
Percental score: 19
200. Global Conference of Confucius Institutes in China (December 7/8)   …On occasion of the 9th global Conference of Confucius Institutes (December 7/8) in Xiamen, China, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) demands that the German Bundestag should conduct a hearing to clarify what…  
Date: 08-12-14
Percental score: 71