
2466 results:
171. Slap in face for China's rulers; boost for democracy; milestone in battle against censorship   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called the bestowal of the Nobel Peace Prize on Liu Xiaobo a "resounding slap in the face" for China's rulers. "This is a debacle for China's attempts to win…  
Date: 11-10-10
172. Leipzig Media Award for Afghan journalist Sayed Yaqub Ibrahimi   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) congratulates Sayed Yaqub Ibrahimi on winning the Leipzig Media Award. "A public honor for this courageous Afghan journalist and human rights activist was…  
Date: 12-10-10
173. Wulff is called on to revive "fading hopes of a peaceful solution to the Kurdish question" in Turkey   During his state visit in Turkey today, President Christian Wulff should demand tangible progress in achieving equal rights for Kurds, to revive fading hopes of a peaceful solution to the Kurdish…  
Date: 13-10-10
174. Protect indigenous peoples from the hazards of uranium mining!   When representatives of the Adivasi in India and the Tuareg in the Sahel reported on the situation of many indigenous peoples in uranium-mining areas, the roughly 150 delegates to the 42nd Annual…  
Date: 13-10-10
175. Elections in Burma (7 Nov.) fuel human rights abuses and threat of war   Three weeks before the first elections to be held in Burma in 20 years, tensions are mounting in this Southeast Asian nation. "Violence in Burma threatens to escalate once again," warns the Society…  
Date: 18-10-10
176. Göttingen signs cooperation agreement with Nanjing (23 Oct.):   With regret the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has learned that Göttingen's cooperation agreement with its sister city in China completely ignores the difficult human rights situation in…  
Date: 01-11-10
177. Chaos and lawlessness fuel the violence in western Sudan   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is appalled by the death sentence handed down against a Darfur refugee. "In an unfair trial in Sudan, Hussein Hassan Abdel Kareem was sentenced last Sunday…  
Date: 01-11-10
178. Chilean President in Berlin   "Miners freed - now release the Indians!" The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) confronted Chilean President Sebastián Piñera with this appeal in vigils held during his state visit Friday in…  
Date: 01-11-10
179. Kenya should provide asylum for 7,100 war refugees from Somalia seeking protection   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) urged the Kenyan government on Monday to fulfill their obligation under the Geneva Refugee Convention and provide asylum for some 7,100 refugees of war,…  
Date: 03-11-10
180. Following a devastating bloodbath in a Catholic church in Baghdad, Christians demand autonomy   Following a devastating bloodbath in a Syrian-Catholic church in Baghdad, representatives of Assyrian/Chaldean/Aramaean Christians in Iraq are calling for an autonomously administered region for…  
Date: 03-11-10