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189 results:
161. Become a Member   … Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Post Box 2024 37010…  
Date: 20-05-19
162. Be active   Flickr/401(K) 2012 CC BY-SA 2.0 … or Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Postfach 2024 37010 Göttingen Take…  
Date: 07-01-21
163. Bangladesh: Some 1,160 Rohingya refugees arrested – Attacks by security forces and citizens' committees   … Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV). There they are threatened with further…  
Date: 10-03-10
164. Bangladesh : 9000 Moslem refugees from Burma threatened with deportation   …ciety for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) warned on Wednesday that 9,000 Moslem Rohingya…  
Date: 09-01-10
165. An important decision   …Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) begrüßt die soeben durch den Stadtrat von Ingolstadt beschlossene…  
Date: 29-07-21
166. Alaska National Wildlife Refuge   No oil exploitation in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge: Biden stops oil exploitation in highly sensitive wildlife refuge Home to North America's largest free-ranging caribou herd and the  
Date: 21-01-21
167. Agreement with Namibia   Agreement between Germany and Namibia: • Negotiations did not include all the legitimate representatives of the Herero and the Nama • Most of the members of the Namibian ruling party belong to  
Date: 30-08-21
168. Afrin in northern Syria: One year under Turkish occupation Vigil in front of US embassy … Syriens appelliert die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Donnerstag in Berlin mit einer Mahnwache…  
Date: 15-01-19
169. A new report illustrates the dramatic human rights situation in Tibet: Europe must act!   … für Tibet veröffentlicht die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker International (GfbV) am heutigen Donnerstag einen…  
Date: 10-05-12
170. A call to all Social Democrats: Put an end to the insecure deportation of refugees who were tolerated for many years!   We are appalled by the cold-heartedness with which you and the authorities are deciding on the fate of people who were born in Germany or grew up here.  
Date: 17-12-15