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189 results:
161. Covid-19 in Northern Iraq   Joint declaration regarding Covid-19 in Northern Iraq: Traumatized communities are barely prepared for a wave of infections Confinement psychological suffering, suicide rates rise  
Date: 17-04-20
162. Conflicts in Burma fuel human trafficking   … Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker, GfbV, Menschenhandel, Frauenhandel, Minderheiten,…  
Date: 07-01-20
163. Interim injunction against Myanmar   … Burma, UN, Myanmar, GfbV, Pressemitteilung, Völkermord, Den Haag  
Date: 23-01-20
164. Siemens: Aboriginal people contradict Kaeser … hätten. Darauf hat die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) am Montag hingewiesen.  
Date: 03-02-20
165. 25 years after the Srebrenica Genocide (11.7.1995)   … mark this sombre occasion, Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) / Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) is…  
Date: 29-06-20
166. That's What We Do   We put human rights on the agenda. We take sides with the victims of crimes against humanity. We are not silent. We are not turning a blind eye.  
Date: 31-03-21
167. Terms and Conditions   … Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Post Box 2024 37010 Göttingen Germany E-Mail:…  
Date: 18-10-18
168. China: New report on forced labor in cotton harvest   New report on forced labor in cotton harvest: German government should urgently pass a supply chain law Companies in the sector are unable to ensure that they don't profit from forced  
Date: 15-12-20
169. Ethiopia is also trying to silence critics from Germany   … human rights activist living in Germany are listed on a 42-page index.  
Date: 27-07-11
170. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25)   Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, should finally assign a national commission of inquiry to clarify the extent of crimes against Indigenous women in his country. This was demanded by the  
Date: 21-11-14