
2466 results:
151. Attack in China's restive Xinjiang region   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) condemns yesterday's attack by a Uighur on a police patrol in the city of Aksu (Xinjiang Autonomous Region/East Turkestan) in northwestern China. Seven…  
Date: 25-08-10
152. Germany owes a debt to Bosnia - Support abolition of discriminatory visa restrictions, admission to EU membership and reunification!   Dear Minister, We well remember taking part with the young novice politician Guido Westerwelle in an event in the Market Square of the then German Federal capital of Bonn in 1992, condemning the…  
Date: 26-08-10
153. Native Maasai resist forcible displacement by big game hunters   In response to a cry for help from Tanzania, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called upon the Minister of Tourism in the East African country on Friday to stop the expulsion of Maasai from…  
Date: 01-09-10
154. Shanghai recipient of German Association of Judges' Human Rights Award silenced   On the occasion of his 60th birthday, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) called attention on Thursday to the continuing persecution of prominent Chinese human rights activist Zheng Enchong…  
Date: 06-09-10
155. Stop Sarkozy! Legalization, not deportation, for Romanis in France!   The Society for Threatened Peoples held a vigil in front of the French embassy on Monday to protest the scandalous deportation practices of the French government with regard to Romani people from…  
Date: 06-09-10
156. New report documents human rights violations in Hamburg's Chinese sister city, Shanghai   At the opening of China Time 2010 in Hamburg, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the Tibet Initiative Deutschland (Hamburg regional group) presented their second report on the human rights…  
Date: 08-09-10
157. Prospective constitutional reform ignores Kurdish question - southeast Turkey needs regional autonomy   The Society for Threatened Peoples - International (GfbV-International) welcomes the proposal from the Turkish ruling party, AKP, for reforming the constitution, as this is a first step toward…  
Date: 10-09-10
158. Displaced Bosnians have lost an important advocate and a warm-hearted ally   "With the passing of GDR civil rights activist Bärbel Bohley, displaced people and genocide survivors from Bosnia have lost an important advocate," said Fadila Memisevic, head of the Bosnia section…  
Date: 14-09-10
159. Afghan war criminal Mohammad Fahim unchallenged in Germany - Human rights activists outraged   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) was outraged to learn that the notorious war criminal and Vice President of Afghanistan Mohammad Qasim Fahim is currently in Germany, unchallenged by…  
Date: 15-09-10
160. Nothing to celebrate for 34 Mapuche on hunger strike   With the 200th anniversary of Chilean independence coming up this Saturday, September 18, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) once again urgently calls attention to the dramatic situation of…  
Date: 16-09-10