
2466 results:
141. German firm shares responsibility for violations of human rights in construction of dam in Sudan   In the opinion of the Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) the German firm Lahmayer International should have tried to prevent violations of human rights in the…  
Date: 17-08-10
142. critics of the Sudanese regime are being prevented from attending the Conference   Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) / Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) accuses the government of Sudan of systematically refusing to cooperate in any way with the efforts of the…  
Date: 17-08-10
143. New UN Human Rights Council: 64 percent of the candidates infringe human rights   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) has warned of the erosion of human rights throughout the world. It is a sad affair that 64 percent of the states…  
Date: 17-08-10
144. Murders by radical Hindus of Christians remain unpunished – Adivasi native people fear new violence   Most of the murders of Christian Adivasi native people and the pillage of churches by radical Hindus in the Indian federal state of Orissa remain unpunished. This was emphasised by the Society for…  
Date: 17-08-10
145. Islamists and the USA argue about UN aid for Somalia   The Society for Threatened Peoples STP (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker GfbV) warned on Monday of a "politicization of humanitarian aid” for Somalia since it is endangering the food supplies of one…  
Date: 17-08-10
146. 190,000 IDPs are still waiting to return – Land conflicts are escalating   More than three years after the end of the civil war in Northern Uganda 190,000 IDPs and expelled Acholi are still waiting to return to their home villages. The Society for Threatened Peoples STP…  
Date: 17-08-10
147. Appeal to UN Security Council: Sudan must stop obstructing relief organizations!   In response to further expulsions of international aid workers from Darfur, the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) have appealed to the UN Security Council to demand immediate and full access for…  
Date: 19-08-10
148. Action reinforces credibility of Germany's commitment to democracy Rwanda   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) welcomes the action brought today by the German Federal Public Prosecutor's Office against a former mayor from Rwanda who is suspected of genocide. "The…  
Date: 19-08-10
149. Mauritania gags slavery critics   The Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) has accused the Mauritanian government of systematically defaming and intimidating critics of slavery and restricting their freedom of movement. On the…  
Date: 20-08-10
150. More than 960 civilians killed in battles since January 2010   Since January 2010, at least 964 civilians have been killed and 2,717 wounded in armed conflicts or in random shootings in residential neighborhoods, as reported by the Society for Threatened…  
Date: 25-08-10